Category: Management
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Why: There are too many who quit a job with dissatisfaction.
Goal: Learn how to build a workplace where talents want to work.
Table of Contents
Action: Trust means Management.
3 Key Concepts
- Talents want freedom, change, and chance.
- Talents are sought after. They don’t do jobhunting.
- A gifted boss and great employee create a lifetime kinship of talent.
How to get rid of mediocrity?
To raise your standard as a manager, show your employees respect and the high expectation you have for them.
Check out also “High-Performance Habits” by Brendon Burchard
Great boss: a leader that makes you feel “I like me best when I’m around you.”
Great employees: people who need no management and make the boss do better work and raise the entire department to a higher standard.
This is a story between the author and “Max.” They discussed the secrets of making a workplace for the brightest, along with a simple comparison between a normal and gifted boss.
It is a short book – you can tuck it along for a good commute ride home 🙂
The lessons throughout the book were summarized to
“The Six Realities of Gifted Bosses and Great Employees.”
1: The “talent-squared” workplace is possible because gifted bosses and great employees want the same thing from a workplace.
- Freedom from management, mediocrity, and morons.
- A change
- A chance
Trust = free from management.
The great ones never let themselves do second-rate work
Dale Dauten
2: Gifted bosses don’t just hire employees, they acquire allies.

3: Great employees don’t have jobs, they have talents. They enter the job market once (if at all), and thereafter their talents are spotted, courted and won over.
4: Great bosses and employees often reverse the typical job search: instead of the employee doing the “hunting,” it’s the boss. The process more resembles a “talent search” than a “job market.”
5: While many gifted bosses have created such special work environments that they have virtually no turnover, many others embrace substantial turnover and become master of “the secret skill” of firing.
Low turnover rate is not always good for the firm. If only morons stay, and the brightest leave.
6: An alliance between a gifted boss and a great employee is a kinship of talent, often creating a bond that can last a lifetime.
To sum up, the story shows that the attitude toward employees and bosses should be mutual.
The goal of life isn’t just to experience life, but to experience it together. Remember E.M. Forster? ‘Only connect.’ That’s a two-word philosophy of life.
Goal check: I learned what talents (and all others) need from the workplace.
Wasu’s Review
( 4.0 / 5.0 )
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