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How to Inexpensively Test Your E-Commerce Email Content

Category: Analysis

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Why: We want to inform you about a simple A/B test so that you can optimize your conversion rate with real data from experiments.

The cloest way to further improvement is testing.

In a flash, here is how you do it!

In Short

“Know when to stop tingering, and move on.”

A/B test your email content is a practical way to benchmark for success. Because with the result, you can actually optimize your email and ads campaigns to achieve higher ROAS.

Testing benefits

  1. It proves which creative or email your customers actually like.
  2. It is inexpensive in comparison to other extensive tests.

A/B Testing ideas

  • Subject line – to measure an open rate
  • Call-to-action copy – to measure click-through rate
  • Images – to measure click-through rate

💡The rookie’s mistake is to change more than 1 thing at the same time. Ex. change the subject line in A and change both subject line and CTA in B: now you don’t know which subject line is better, as new CTA affect the result!

people doing swim race


Practically you wanna separate into 3: A, B, C, where you allocate a small amount of budget on A and B. Pick the best material among A and B to use in C and invest in it. For example,

A: put 50 Euro in and measure 20% open rate with 5% CTR.
B: put 50 Euro in and measure 22% open rate with 8% CTR.
C: use B material and put the ads budget in.

Make testing a habit! You see, you can keep optimizing it. If round 1 B is the winner, then change A to a new A and run the A/B test round 2 next week.

Keep repeating this weekly and picking the new winner : )