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How To Find Out What Is Going On In The Market: Descriptive Research

Category: Analysis

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Why: We need to first know the current situation and phenomenon before finding out why.

In Short

Descriptive research aims to find out “what is it?” not “why is that?” of the target population.

For example, if you have explored that your target market is Japanese who live in Tokyo, you might do a descriptive to see the buying behavior of this population. But not including why they behave how they behave.

Types of Descriptive Research

  • Survey
  • Developmental research over time
  • Casual-comparative at the same time
  • Correlational research
  • Qualitative research
  • Actions of customers observation

Research Guideline

  1. Statement of problem
  2. Identification of information
  3. Selection/development of data gathering instruments
  4. Identification of target population & samples
  5. Design of information collection procedure
  6. Collection of information
  7. Analysis of information
  8. Generalization and/or predictions

Examples of Research Question

  • Customer habits check
  • Preference check with A/B testing
  • Evaluate satification level, etc.


Descriptive research is there to help to grasp the current market situation. This can be used to make a decision whether the marketing objective was properly set or not. Also, it can lead to further questions of “why”. With a clear description of your target market, you can proceed with the rest of the market research with peace in mind.