Category: Personal Growth
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Why: I want to know more about how gratitude relates to richness.
Goal: Learn to have an abundant mindset.
Table of Contents
Action: Invest in Non-Monetary Assets.
3 Key Concepts
- Follow what most excites you, and the right people, the right materials will show up.
- “Discipline” is the most creative force. It creates the unimaginable.
- Spend your life doing strange things with weird people.
How to invest in non-monetary assets?
First, identify what they are: Alchemic, Spiritual, Creative, Adventure Capitals. And then discipline to invest in them make it your habits.
This book suggests what the author thinks are the capitals and how to go about it.

Non-Monetary Assets to Dive in
Alchemic Capital
It is the capital of change, of evolution. So be graceful and let the world changes you to be someone you couldn’t imagine before. The universe is much wiser than you can conceive; let it have its way with you. Embrace!
To-do: Start identifying good things in your life.
Spiritual Capital
It is the field of infinite potentiality. God, Buddha, Divine Intelligence. The author says it matters only when you call it forth to recognize its immense power and real-time practicality.
To-do: Turn your life over to the big mystery.
Creative Capital
It is a muse of ideas, books, inventions, songs, films, and other brilliant art. Follow what most excites you, and the right people, the right materials, the right opportunities will show up.
To-do: Move toward that which makes your feel most alive (Waku Waku).
Bonus: what you don’t realize is that “Discipline” is the most creative force. It creates the unimaginable.
Adventure Capital
It is also known as experimental capital. This is when you decide to step into an unfamiliar place. To shake things up and do the impossible. Saying “Yes” to something that you have always said “No” to.
To-do: Relax and have more fun.
Walk as far as you can see, and you can see some more.
Social Capital
They are your family and friends. It is to have comrades to have fun with, enjoy beautiful food, and fulfill meaningful conversations. It means having a team to cheer you on and participate in the scheme.
To-do: Share your good luck, spread it around.
Spend your life doing strange things with weird people.
Jerome jarre, 20-Something Social Media Star
To sum up
We grow with gratitude by investing in non-monetary assets. Counting blessings, connect to the natural power, discipline to do what excites you, and lastly, share your fortune with family and friends.

Goal check: I learned what assets to be investing in more than monetary assets.
Wasu’s Review
( 2.5 / 5.0 )
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