Category: Leadership
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Why: We want to inform you about the leadership assessment to improve your own leading style, even an online platform.

Calendar is a powerful tool to set a reminder and to keep track your daily commitment. #neverbreakthechain
In a flash, here is how you take one step further toward your unique leadership!
Table of Contents
In Short
Leadership can be viewed as a situational skill that depends on what the moment requires of you. Last time we looked at the “set goal, take the lead, decide, and communicate” task-based approach. See more in “Leadership Qualities For Becoming A Leader In E-Commerce Scene.” And also, in “Hiring Guideline: More Important than Your Brain and Logical Thinking by Yasuyo Iga.”
Today, we will be looking at traits more than tasks: 6Es of leadership. Do 2-3 assessments and see where you think you can improve.
1. 6Es of Leadership
Assess the traits below: self-assessment and feedback comparison.
- Envision: how things could be
- Explore: know both strengths and weaknesses
- Engage: invite followers to take action
- Enable: give them tool and support
- Energize: supercharge the atmosphere and push forward
- Execute: work work work

My takeaway from the previous leadership workshop is how to energize the team. The objective is to first create a positive atmosphere. You do this by
Catch Them Doing It Right
2. Meta styles
- Directional Leadership: order
- Transactional Leadership: offer deals
- Transformational Leadership: set example
- Empowering Leadership: coach
Since each style has its own advantage, it is indeed situational. The typical guideline would be to adapt according to the experience of leader and follower: known or unknown
experienced leader, experienced follower: quick alignment
experienced leader, un-experienced follower: directive
un-experienced leader, experienced follower: incorporate new insight
un-experienced leader, un-experienced follower: mutual exploration <- coaching is suitable
3. Online actions
Based on GROW coaching practice, here are actions you can take to become an empowering leader online.
Goal: pretend that you are answering the taxi driver, “Where to go?” Yep, typically our destination description is not clear enough to drive to.
– Online action: Landing banner telling what exactly your audience will get from being here.
Reality: “Where are you now?”
– Online action: Give the information of their pain point, which let them to your website.
Options: “What could you do?” then follow with 5x “and what else?”
– Online action: Display options in comparison.
Will-do: “Out of these options, which one you can make a commitment to do now?”
– Online action: Offer an incentive to do the least but get the result.

To-do -> Will-do
After you get to know 6Es and make assessments to see the gap of self and feedback. You can go ahead and coach yourself. What is your “Will-do” at the end of the self-coach session? DO IT NOW!
Online actions are more or less how you interact with users of your site or audiences of SNS.
Listening material: Podcast between Tim Ferris and Jerry Seinfeld — A Comedy Legend’s Systems, Routines, and Methods for Success (#485)