Codes can be incredibly helpful when it comes to staying disciplined in life. For one thing, codes provide a sense of structure and predictability, which can help people stay focused and on track with their goals. Additionally, codes provide a framework for making decisions and creating habits that can lead to more successful outcomes. With codes, you are able to set boundaries and guidelines that will help you remain accountable for your actions and decisions. Also, by having a set of standards and rules to follow, it can be easier to overcome procrastination and distractions that may lead to bad decision-making or lack of focus. Finally, following a code of conduct can help build self-discipline over time, as the more you stick with the rules you have set for yourself, the stronger your commitment becomes. All in all, codes are an effective way of helping individuals stay disciplined in life.
My leadership codes are as follows;
- Set a Goal
- Take an Initiative
- Decide to Move Forward
- Tell a Great Story
- Create Lots of Fun Doing it!
Table of Contents
#1 Set a Goal
I set a goal and envision it for others by showing the meaning of why we must accomplish such a plan in the first place. I believe that to achieve anything, we must first set a goal. A clear goal motivates everybody to dedicate precious time. With this vision, we can create a positive attitude among our colleagues and develop the necessary steps to reach towards this goal. We must stay focused, determined and inspired and persevere in order to get the best possible result for everyone involved. Together, let’s work hard, think creatively and come up with inspiring solutions that will help us reach our goal. Let’s do it! Unleash Your Potential!

Why must we set a goal first?
In the age of distraction, many seem like a sensible idea to pursue. The problem is that arguments point you to a head in different directions. First, I pick one worthwhile goal for the team to achieve. Then, I set a vision that everyone is excited about attaining.
I prioritize and emphasize the goal. But, at the same time, I am defining a purpose with ‘Why’ that inspires each member and use the SMART framework to make it Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
This goal promotes a collective force that helps us to contribute. As a result, everyone can develop through their own journey yet move together toward realizing the vision.
#2 Take an Initiative
I take the first step into the unknown. After that, I am ready to go the extra mile out of my comfort zone. So that my teammates can follow the path I trailblazed, they then can contribute more quickly to what awaits. With this attitude, you are able to differentiate yourself and become the utmost example of what you represent: excellence, innovation, and collaboration.

Why do extra work to initiate?
I learned this valuable practice from senior engineers. Both are team leaders, one in a quality department and one in a production department at Bosch in Japan.
The project was to correct a product testing process to lower defects. Unfortunately, the audit generates a lot of heat in the room as nobody would like to correct and change workflow. As countermeasures, my seniors always put in extra work to prepare preliminary research. We call this “Tataki-dai,” meaning a springboard for further discussion. Including data and some suggestions of where we can start the process improvement.
With this initiative, all members give quick and productive comments, leading to a meaningful meeting and successful implementation.
#3 Decide to Move Forward
I decide without delay. I also take ownership of the result, no matter how it might turn out. So that my team members know that we commit to the mission and, ultimately, we can trust each other and maintain momentum.

Why decide and enable others?
I am blessed with valuable opportunities to work with presidents at the beginning of my career. I utmost respect for one vice president named Noriko Morikawa. She showed me how to decide and enable members to venture into their work journey.
We have worked together to hold an event that involves external executives from IBM and BASF to exchange ideas on mobility forward. The problem arose as there was no joint agreement on agenda topics. While struggling to coordinate and decide issues, Mrs. Vice President urged me to talk directly with managers and executives. The confirming push led me to be amazed at how open executives can be and start treating them as ordinary people.
As a result, we have agreed just in time for the convention center booking deadline. The vice president also taught me to ask all supervisors to enable the associates early on and often.
#4 Tell a Great Story
I tell a story that engages everyone to contribute and reflect on their dream. I believe in common narration regardless of different value perceptions. As a result, everyone will feel more joy in work life and synergize with a common narrative.

Why tell a believable story?
About eight years ago, I organized a TED talk event in our city called Fukuoka with other volunteers. I was impressed by how a narrative story moves a crowd to act anew. We live our private life with a particular story in our head; it affirms who we are and what we want to achieve every day.
I felt strongly that we need aspiring stories to work together. So I drill a story delivery with the Pixar technique and an entrepreneurial idea of the four hats role from Michael E. Gerber, the author of ‘The E-Myth: Why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it.’ It encapsulates the businessperson’s role
With a clear narration and engaging story covering all businessperson’s roles. I will inspire my team to work together energetically and effectively.
#5 Create Lots of Fun Doing it
I set up a fun project time for everyone to recreate. I energize the workplace to attract more talents to work together. Members can contribute freely. At the same time, new prospects will see the appeal of joining our team and applying.

Why is fun at work so important as a leading tool?
I dread the boredom of unproductive routine; it signifies that the workplace is dying with low creativity. We all dream of working in a place that is full of imagination and possibilities.
I dream of building a vibrant workplace for my team. I will go above and beyond to recognize their professional and personal qualities. Through the MBTI workshop, I learned that we perceive the world through a different lens, and I should build a team according to their influential temperament.
Taking an example of Google’s 20%-time policy[1], I will encourage members, in addition to their regular projects, to spend their time working on what they think most benefit the team. With this, team members will be able to express their strengths from personality and creativity. As a result, others will want to join our team!
Last Words
If we want to live better, we have to hold ourselves to the highest standard.
So set your own code and live it.
Be the difference we wish to see, lead them!
Ps. to my friend Bhushan, does any part resonate with your code?
[1] D’Onfro, J. (2015, April 17). Business Insider. Retrieved from’ Onfrorcent-time-policy-2015-4