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How to Formulate Marketing Objectives With SMART

Category: Project Management

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Why: Objective defines goals and purpose of market research.

Key Contents

Before starting market research, we need to address both questions that need to be answered and resources that we can spend on market research.

Just like any other problem definition, the questions must be clear and meaningful. One can start with a simple question check like 5W2H.

To take your objective formulation one step further, I suggest that you use the SMART framework. The details are also given in an infographic; see below.

S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Achievable
R: Relevant
T: Time-bound


You need to formulate marketing objectives to ensure that market research produces useful insight for the team. They can be various objectives, such as to improve brand recognition at the beginning of incorporation, to expand into a new market, to increase traffic from specific sources, etc.

With this formulation technique, I hope you will succeed with market research and gain insights to win the market!